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Bihar, a densely populated, agricultural and poor state, lies between Uttar Pradesh and Nepal. His main interest is in the different places that prince Siddharta Gautama, born in Nepal, visited and where he enlightened himself to become Buddha and where he lived. Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda are the main ones.p>

Inde Uttar Pradesh Personnalisé

Inde -Bouddhisme - Bihar - Voyages Personnalisés

Courtesy Bernard Gagnon

Recommanded in Bihar

In the footsteps of Buddha. Bihar is at the center of very important Buddhist worship places. From Bodh Gaya where Buddha was enlightened, you will go back on Rajgir and Nalanda. Then go down to the south, in Maddhya Pradesh, Gwalior and especially Sanchi, before going west, near Varanasi, to Sarnath where Buddha gave his first sermon.Together, we will organize this circuit which will include the visit of Varanasi and Madhya Pradesh.

They travelled with us